Wanda A. Canterbury, age 66, of Oak Hill, Ohio, passed away on Saturday, October 17, 2015 following her husband, Therman Canterbury who passed February 8th of this year.
She is survived by two sons: David (Crystal) McCain and Richard McCain, both of Oak Hill, Ohio; five grandchildren: Christopher (Kristen) McCain of Rio Grande, Ohio, Lisa McCain of Oak Hill, Ohio, Curtis McCain of Oak Hill, Ohio, and Catherine and Daniel McCain of Oak Hill, Ohio; one unborn great-grandchild; a sister, Myra Burt of Oak Hill, Ohio; as well as several nieces and nephews.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Lewis & Gillum Funeral Home of Oak Hill, Ohio. Per her request, no services will be held. Online condolences may be sent to the family at www.lewisgillumfuneralhomes.com