Danny Russell Jarvis, 62, formerly a Wellston, Ohio resident, went home to be with the Lord. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio at the old (City Hospital) on September 25, 1950. He passed away at Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, Florida on Sunday afternoon, September 22, 2013, following an extended illness due to Multiple Sclerosis where he had been diagnosed with the disease since 1986.
He is survived by his wife, Debora Jarvis of Holmes Beach, Florida; brothers, Kevin (Angela) Compston who recently retired from the U.S. Army, of Wellston, Ohio, and Todd Lee Compston, Sports Editor for The Telegram, of Jackson, Ohio; three nieces, Heather Lynn Compston-Canter of Vinton County, Ohio, Heidi Marie Compston-Peifer of Gallipolis, Ohio, and Elizabeth Ann Compston of Wellston, Ohio; two nephews, Jacob Todd Compston of Copperas Cove, Texas, and Andrew Michael Compston of Wellston, Ohio; one uncle, Edward Russell (Stevie) Jarvis, former Jackson County Auditor of Jackson, Ohio; cousins, Joni (Shane) Jarvis-Colley of Thornville, Ohio, Leah (Zach) Jarvis-Hamlin, Jackson City Schools Middle School teacher of Albany, Ohio, Gwen Waulk of Jackson, Ohio, Matthew Waulk of Jackson, Ohio, and Chris Waulk of Jackson, Ohio; stepchildren, Leslie Sessums, Erik Haviland of North Carolina, Mike Haviland of Florida, Kirsten Haviland of North Carolina, Kathryn Haviland of North Carolina, Victor Oddo and Ottavia Oddo of Holmes Beach, Florida; great-niece, Keli Olivia Marie Peifer of Vinton, Ohio; and 12 grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Elizabeth May-Jarvis in 1974; mother, Clara Louise Jarvis-Compston in 1994; and former wives, Karen S. Washburn-Haviland-Jarvis in 2002, and Harriet A. Sorensen-Jarvis in 1986.
Services will be on Sunday, Sept. 29 at 11 a.m. at Brown and Sons at 5624, 26th Street in Bradenton, Florida. There will be a get together at the Anchor Inn in Holmes Beach following.
via Danny Russell Jarvis – www.theTelegramNews.com | Jackson and Vinton County’s Home Page – Jackson, OH.