- Ancestry.com has updated its 1850 US census collections (correcting some Indiana birth places that were keyed incorrectly) and its City Directories. In addition, Ancestry continues with its indexing of information for the 1940 US census to make it more complete.
- The Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG), an independent certifying body recognized nationally and internationally since 1964, recently joined the blogosphere with its blog, SpringBoard: News and Notes.
- Genealogy search engine service Mocavo and Family History Information Standards Organisation, Inc. (FHISO) announced that Mocavo has finalized its plans to become a founding member of the organization. FHISO is a standards-developing organization bring the international family history and genealogical community in a self-governing forum to develop information standards to solve today’s interoperability issues.
Mocavo will participate with other FHISO members from the global genealogical community in the development of standards for the digital representation and sharing of family history and genealogical information.
- MyHeritage has released a new version of its free MyHeritage app (v2.0) that now lets users do their genealogy on the go—create and edit their family tree, add relatives and photos, and edit profiles, info and events. The app is available for iPad, iPhone, and Android smartphones and tablets, in 32 languages. If you have an older version of the app, the new app will upgrade seamlessly. Click here to download the app.