The Jackson Lions Club met Wednesday, Nov. 7 with Lion President Carol Downton welcoming the group for the evening. After everyone enjoyed a delicious meal, Lion Debbie Lloyd introduced the evening’s speaker, Wilbur McCormick with the Jackson Civil War 150 program.
Mr. McCormick highlighted the events of the upcoming celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Morgan’s Raid. The actual reenactment is scheduled for August 16-18, 2013 with other events scheduled between now and 2015 (including a civil war funeral). For detailed information regarding the events you can visit the website:
Lion Barbara Brackman reported on the healthy cooking event held recently at Holzer Hospital where Lions Club members participated as servers.
Lion Carol Downton then reported to club members on the success of the Leo Club charter meeting; the eye screening project at the Make A Difference Day; and the plans for a Dress for Success Closet.
Lion Harry Erwin was recognized and members in attendance helped him celebrate his 90th birthday.