–Public terminal now available to view probate records–
Jackson County Probate-Juvenile Judge Justin Skaggs has announced that, as of Monday, Dec. 13, business hours of the Jackson County Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division will be consolidated with the Juvenile Court of 350 Portsmouth St. in Jackson. The Probate Court had been located and operated from a separate location on the first floor of the Jackson County Courthouse.
This announcement came after giving notice to the Jackson County Bar Association, the Jackson County Genealogical Society and Jackson County Title Companies and Examiners and allowing the opportunity for the foregoing to provide comment. Beginning Dec. 13, neither probate filings nor marriage license applications will be accepted at the primary courthouse and will only be accepted at the 350 Portsmouth St. location.
Further, a public terminal had been established in the primary courthouse where digital probate records may be accessed. The terminal is located on the third floor outside of the Jackson County Clerk of Courts’ office and is accessible during all courthouse hours.
Digital records may also be requested by visiting the Probate Court at 350 Portsmouth St. in Jackson. Physical examination of files and records may be accomplished each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. This may be done at the primary courthouse and at any other time by appointment or record request. These hours are subject to modification in 2022.
Beginning Monday, Dec. 13, probate mail should be addressed to: Jackson County Probate Court, 350 Portsmouth St., Suite 101, Jackson, Ohio 45640. The Probate Court telephone number will remain the same and can be reached by dialing 740-286-1401.
Judge Skaggs explained this decision was made to improve the efficiency of the Jackson County Probate Court, permit more economic operations allowing the cross-training of employees and to negate the need to replace a retired employee. In the near future, many routine probate requests will be available online. He thanked the public for its patience during this transition.