The Point Pleasant River Museum could use your help – The museum will be having a 45th Remembrance of the Collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15. Since this is the 45th year after the collapse of the Silver Bridge the museum wants to honor the 46 victims who lost their lives on Dec. 15, 1967. If anyone knows how the museum could contact family members of the victims or if you know anyone who has a picture of a victim, we would appreciate it if you would call Martha or Ruth at the museum at 304-674-0144. We have some pictures that we have placed in our Silver Bridge Disaster book but we do not have all victim pictures and we do not know how to get in touch with the families.
We invite the families, friends and public to attend this Remembrance. The program will start at 2:00pm. Denise Bonecutter will be singing, Pastor Roger Bonecutter who operated a boat for City Ice and Fuel will be speaking, retired Trooper Rudy O’Dell who was the first law enforcement officer on the WV side to the scene of the collapse of the bridge will be available to answer questions. The pictures of the victims that are available will be displayed and a candle will be lit as the name of the victim is read by Alice Williamson Click and Mayor Brian Billings.
Co-Authors Stephan Bullard and his student Bridget Gromek from Hartford, Connecticut will be speaking regarding how the new book came to be published and following the program they will be signing the new book “The Silver Bridge Disaster of 1967” along with co-authors Martha and Ruth Fout. The books already purchased at the river museum have Martha & Ruth’s autographs, you can bring your book and get the other two co-author’s autographs at this signing.
We would like to have as many family members of the victims attend this remembrance as possible as well as others, therefore we need the help of those who read this to help us get in touch with them. Admission to the museum is free on the day of the Remembrance. If you have questions, please call the Point Pleasant River Museum at 304-674-0144